Welcome to this educational module on severe asthma, developed for primary care clinicians, but which may be of interest to all health professionals
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An accredited course
This activity is a recognized professional development activity (category A) as defined by the Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ) for which the Pedagogia center of the Faculty of Medicine of Laval University recognizes a maximum of 3 hours. Members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada may enter 3 hours as ‘’Quebec Category 1 credits’’ in the certified group learning activity category.
Four different themes
Our main goal is to make the asthma guidelines more accessible by selecting the most relevant concepts for general practice. Furthermore, primary care physicians and industry experts have worked with us at various stages of this project.
Theme 1
Objective diagnosis of asthma
Assesment and Treatment
Theme 2
Prescribe personalized treatment and provide
non-pharmacological advices
Asthma Control
Theme 3
Detect poor asthma control and optimize treatment
Severe Asthma
Theme 4
Individualize the treatment of refractory asthmatics
Tools to deepen your knowledge or to help you in your practice
During this training course, you will find many hyperlinks which are “educational tools”. These include links to scientific articles, web pages, downloadable tables, etc.
This program is supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca
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